Thursday, December 23, 2010

Boothby: The Bees and the Drones

Some lazy Drones their action laid,
For honey that the Bees had made.
Before the Wasp the cause was tried,
Who knew the parties on each side;
And as a ground for his decision,
He made to both this proposition:
"So like you are in hue and make,
Between you one might well mistake;
Now, then, to make the matter clear,
Take each of you a hive, and here
Begin to work; we soon shall see
Whose honeycomb shall likest be
To this you claim."The Bees agree;
The Drones refuse: The judge at last,
Upon the case this sentence past:
"'Tis plain to whom belongs the hoard
To the Bees let it be restor'd."
The Drones in peace I might have left
To live, as they are wont, on theft,
Had they the sentence not rejected,
When they the umpire had selected.

Source: Boothby - Phaedrus 3.12.
Fuci et Apes

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