Friday, October 1, 2010

Pratt: The Raven and the Swan.

"No wonder the swan is so white," said the jet black raven; "he is always bathing in the water. "I will go and bathe in the water; then I shall be as white as he." So the raven flew up and down the country until he found a lake of clear, cool water. "Here I will make my home," said the raven; "and every hour I will bathe in the water." So the raven made his home by the lake; and every day he bathed in the water. But he took a severe cold from being so much in the water; and he very nearly lost his voice. "Croak, croak," said he, "I shall go back to the ravens. "My feathers are much handsomer than any swan's feathers. I would not change their color for all the world. Croak, croak!" and away he flew.

Source: Mara Pratt's Aesop 19.
Corvus et Cygnus

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