Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Pratt: The Wolf and the Crane.

One day a wolf was eating his dinner in great haste. A bone stuck fast in his throat. "O good friend," gasped he, to the crane, "please help me! There is a bone in my throat! With your long bill you can get it out! I will pay you anything you ask!" "I will try," answered the kind crane. So she put her bill down into the wolf's throat and pulled out the hone. "I nearly died," said the wolf, catching his breath once more. "If you will pay me now, I will go," said the crane. "Pay you! Pay you!" snapped the wolf. "Was it not pay enough that I did not bite off your head?" Then the wolf trotted off to the wood, thinking, no doubt, that he had played a very cunning trick upon the crane.

Source: Mara Pratt's Aesop 6.
lupus et grus

Click here for a SLIDESHOW of all the colored Steinhowel images. This image definitely shows what a risk the foolish crane took in helping that wolf!

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