Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Pratt: Battle of the Birds and Beasts.

There was once a great battle between the birds and the beasts. The bat was a coward, and would not take part on either side. By and by the beasts seemed about to win the battle. Then the cowardly bat flew down and joined them. "Go away," cried they; "you are a bird." "Indeed I am not," screamed the bat. "Do you not see my feet and my ears and my fur?" But soon the battle turned. The birds seemed about to win the battle. Then away flew the bat to join the birds. "Go away," cried they; "you are a beast." "Indeed I am not," screamed the bat. "Do you not see my wings?" "You are a coward! you are a coward! We know your tricks!" and they drove the bat from the field. And so ashamed was he, that never since has he been seen in the daylight.

Source: Mara Pratt's Aesop 21.
quadrupedes et aves

Click here for a SLIDESHOW of all the colored Steinhowel images. The details of the ongoing battle are just great - look at how the unicorn is stabbing the hawk with its horn while the hawk is tearing into that poor rabbit! What a battle!
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