Thursday, September 30, 2010

Pratt: The Cock-a-doodle and the Piece of Gold.

"Come, my dears," said Cock-a-doodle to the hens one morning; "I am very hungry, and so are you. Let us go to breakfast." "Cluck, cluck! where shall we go?" said the hens. "Over in the garden. There are some nice fat worms and bugs in the potato-field." So away they all ran to find the worms. "Cluck, cluck!" cried old mother hen. "See what I've found!" "Cluck, cluck! cluck, cluck!" cried the other hens, running to see. "Cock-a-doodle-doo-oo! " called old Cock-a-doodle as he, too, went to look. "Cluck, cluck! how it shines!" said the mother hen. "It is a piece of gold! a piece of gold!" cried the other hens. "So it is," said Cock-a-doodle; "but it is of no use to us. I'd rather find a piece of yellow corn."

Source: Mara Pratt's Aesop 3.
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