Monday, September 27, 2010

Pratt: The Hawk and the Nightingale.

A little nightingale sat singing in a tree. An old hawk saw her. "I will eat her for my supper!" said the hawk to himself. So he swooped down upon the little nightingale and seized her in his claw. "O let me go! Please let me go!" begged the nightingale. "I am hungry," answered the hawk. "I must eat you." "But I am such a little bird. I am only a mouthful. Why do you not find some larger bird to eat?" "Do you see any larger bird any where about?" asked the hawk. "No," answered the nightingale; "but there will be some very soon, I am sure." "Very likely," answered the hawk. "Still I think you will do very well to begin my feast with."

Source: Mara Pratt's Aesop 10.
Accipiter et Luscinia

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