Friday, December 3, 2010

L'Estrange: Jupiter's Altar Robb'd.

A Thief Kindled his Torch at Jupiter's Altar, and then Robbed the Temple by the Light on't. As he was Packing away with his Sacrilegious Burden, a Voice, either of Heaven, or of Conscience, pursu'd him. The Time will come (says that Voice) when this Impious Villany of Yours shall cost ye Dear; not for the Value of what you have Stoll'n, but for the Contempt of Heaven and Religion, that you ought to have a Veneration for. Jupiter has taken care however to prevent these Insolent Affronts for the Time to come, by an Express Prohibition of any Communication for the future, betwixt the Fire upon his Altars, and that of Common Use.

Nothing more Familiar then to cover Sacrilege, Murder, Treason, etc. with a Text. And we are also to learn from hence, that we have no greater Enemies many times, then those we have Nurs'd and Bred up; and that Divine vengeance comes sure at Last, though it may be long first.

Source: L'Estrange 385.
(not in Mille) Perry513

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