L'Estrange: A Fox and a Dragon.
As a Fox was Earthing Himself, he Digg'd so Deep, 'till at last he came to a Dragon's Den, where he found a Prodigious Mass of Hidden Treasure. He made his Excuse for his Intrusion, and begg'd the Dragon's leave but to Ask him One Question. Pray (says he) where's the Pleasure or the Profit of Spending all your Days in a Hole thus, without either Light or Sleep? Why 'tis my Fate, says the Dragon, and there's no more to be said. Here's a Monstrous Hord, says the Fox, and I cannot find that you either Give or Use One Peny out of all this Store. 'Tis a Misery, says the other, that I am Doom'd to, and there's no Avoiding it. Why then says the Fox, He that's Born under Your Stars is certainly the most Wretched of Creatures.
We are apt to do Amiss, and to Persevere in so Doing, and then to lay the Blame upon our Stars, on our Fortune as we call it, which in truth, is neither Better nor Worse then making Heaven the Author of Evil. The very sooth of it is, that an Ill Habit has the Force of that which we call an Ill Fate; and we Tye up our Selves, where Providence has left us at Liberty.Source:
L'Estrange 475.
M0628 Perry518
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