Friday, October 1, 2010

Pratt: The Kid and the Wolf.

A little kid was on its way towards home. It met a big wolf. "O dear, dear!" cried the kid, "I know you mean to eat me!" "Indeed I do," laughed the wolf. "But will you play me one tune before you eat me?" begged the kid. "I am so fond of dancing!" "O yes," answered the wolf. "I will play for you. I should like to see you dance. I am in no hurry to eat you!" So the wolf played and the kid danced. "Play some more!" begged the kid. "You play so beautifully!" "Very well," said the wolf, pleased with the praise. "O play some more!" cried the kid. "I could dance all night to such music as yours." "Very well," answered the wolf again, pleased with the praise. But now the shepherd dogs had heard the pipe. "Someone is stealing our sheep!" barked the dogs. And away they flew. The kid heard them. "Dogs! dogs!" the kid cried. "Good-night, old wolf. I'll finish my dance with you at some other time." And off he ran, leaving the wolf to his enemy, the dog. "O dear! O dear!" cried the wolf. "What a fool I was! Next time I catch a kid I will eat him." "Bow-wow-wow!" barked the dogs. And they sprang upon the poor wolf and ate him.

Source: Mara Pratt's Aesop 7.
Lupus et Haedus Saltans

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