Tuesday, July 6, 2010

The Fox Speaking Words of Peace

The Fox Speaking Words of Peace. A rooster, together with many of the hens, was sitting up on the roof of the barn when the fox approached them, wearing a sweet expression on her face. "Greetings," she said, "and please accept the joyous tidings which I bring to you. All hatred throughout the animal kingdom has been brought to an end: there is now peace. The deer walk with the lions, the sheep with the wolves, and mice with the cats. So come down from up there and we too can pledge undying friendship." "What wise counsel," said the rooster; "we will come down and the dog, whom I see coming this way, will be our witness." "A dog coming this way?" prompted the fox. "It might be that the dogs have not yet heard about this peace. Farewell!"

Gallus et Vulpes Pacem Annuntians. Blando vultu ad stabulum in cuius tecto cum multis Gallinis sedebat Gallus, accessit Vulpes. "Salvete" inquit "et laetum, quem vobis adfero, accipite nuntium. Omnes, quae inter animalia erant, inimicitiae exstinctae sunt; pax est facta. Ambulant cum leonibus cervi, cum lupis oves, cum felibus mures. Descendite igitur, ut etiam nos amicitiam sempiternam iungamus." "Bene mones" respondit Gallus; "descendemus, et canis, quem accurrentem video, testis esto." "Accurrit canis?" subiicit Vulpes. "Fieri potest, ut pax canibus nondum nuntiata sit. Valete."

Notes. This is Gildersleeve 11, which is Perry 671 in Perry's classification scheme. I really like the way this fable shows the fox sticking to her story even at the very end - she has to run away before the dog gets her, but even so she manages to find a way to stick to her story!

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